Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Sitting on the porch watching my kids play in their pajamas in our back yard, I felt my heart thumping and realized that it felt like it was expanding, about to burst. The winter was hard. I isolated myself a lot. We didn't go many places. I didn't enjoy Christmas. I had been up at 4 AM every Christmas previous, even as an adult, ready to go to my parents house. This year, Christmas could have come without me. But today... I felt the change. I felt lighter. I took a deep breath, breathing in that sweet spring air. My kids even looked cuter (I know, you're thinking that's impossible because they are pretty dang cute as is) and their squeals delighted me instead of annoyed me.

Winter makes everything quiet, cold and often ugly. But Spring... oh, Spring. I'm having a love affair with you. And I know that a new season is beginning for me, as well. It's time to be happy again. It's time to quit moping. It's time to embrace the changes that have happened around me and learn to love the direction my life has taken. I finally feel that it's possible.

He said it best:

In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer." (Albert Camus)

Alas, it was there all along - this light spring feeling. I just needed to look for it.


  1. sara...do you have an email? I will send you the instructions for the banana cream trifles.

  2. Sara, I just wanted to say thank you so much for the comment on my blog! It was so sweet! It ment a lot to me and my mom.

    Just wondering how did you find my blog? I'm just trying to see how people are finding it! I love when people I don't know comment on my blog!

    Just to let you know my mom has a blog too! It's mamaangela.wordpress.com!

    Thanks again,

  3. that is lovely Sara! a wonderful perspective.

  4. Hi Sarah,
    You had a question about a card on my blog that I wanted to explain to you. I couldn't find your email anywhere. Do you mind sending me an email?

  5. Thanks Sara for the post on my blog! I so appreciate the compliment! Yep...that's a potato masher - a vintage one probably from the 40s or 50s - but they all (I have two more) make wonderful marks. Check out your local thrift stores and you'll be amazed at what you can find to use as 'tools'. Have fun! I'm off to check out your photostream...

    And...so happy you're coming off of that FUNK. Kick it in the butt!!!

  6. Yes! Please do add me so I can look at your pix!

  7. Hey Sara.. I don't have your email address to respond to your question on my blog.

    I'm glad you got the waterbrushes... I always say I need more and it's true! LOL

    The ink I use in the brushes is different than acrylic paint. I have Liquitex but prefer the Daler Rowley FW Ink. I just love it because it's opaque. That's what I use in my brushes.. either thinned or straight.

    You CAN use acrylic paint in the brush, just be sure that you don't let the brush dry out. Keep the cap on it.. and maybe clean it out after each use.

    email me any time! shadohart (at) gmail (dot) com

  8. Beautiful post. Thanks for your comments on my blog... I know what it's like to wonder if it is ever going to get better, if you can ever feel strong again after feeling like life has knocked you down and then run over you. Depression is serious business - hope you are making your way back to feeling light and hopeful again.

  9. hey sara, thanks for your question on the token system...i don't have an email address to respond so if you want to send me your email address i can let you know what my husband suggested. :)
    email me at vanessa{dot}christenson{at}gmail{dot}com

  10. Sara,
    Got your post from our blog but no info to contact you here in Colorado about fairs & such. EM me at scrapateenygirls@estreet.com.
    :D Becky

  11. Hi Sara. That post was beautifully written and there was something so honest in it that I think anyone could relate to the feelings you expressed.
    I wanted to respond to the question you left for me so will leave a comment here and on the actual blog post so hopefully you find one of them!
    The K I simply made myself in Word, the bird is from The Graphics Fairy and the crown I found through a Google image search for "crown graphics". The compass graphic is also from a Google image search though you can copy it from my blog if you'd like to use it (I published the picture in the cabinet makeover post).
    I usually customise any images I find online by editing them in Photoshop before I use them.
